Partnering with Dabur for Medicinal Plant products


Aranyak Eco-harvest has organized medicinal plant products market linkage with Ayurvedic major DABUR. The primary objectives for the actions are to establish seamless and symbiotic market-linkage for the small producers sustainable and bio-diverse products. Aranyak in conjunction with Baitarani Initiative an NGO (primarily working for tribal livelihood and biodiversity regeneration), has started collecting, processing, aggregating, and supply of medicinal plant products from various regions in Odisha.

Aranyak is working around 400 + villages in collecting myrobalans (Haritaki, Bibhitaki, Amlaki) , Vidarikand, Dhataki, Shatabari & Talamuli for use in Ayurvedic preparations. The products are being collected, processed and packed by SHGs locally and being transported to various parts of India.

This year We have envisaged a quantity in excess of 120 MT which is a growth of more than 20% from previous year. In the process, the villagers are being made aware of regeneration, conservation and sustainable consumption of forest resources and contributes towards remunerative incentives.